SageMath and Python Code

Below you find the SageMath and Python scripts from the CrypTool Book.

If SageMath and Python are installed, you can run the scripts in a terminal via commands like:

  • sage chap02_sample020.sage
  • sage chap02_hill_enc_dec_kpa.sage
  • sage chap05_sample_RSA.sage
  • python3

Chapter 1

chap01_sample010.sage1.12.1 Encryption and decryption with Mini-AES

Chapter 2

chap02_sample010.sage2.8.1 Simple transposition by shifting the letters in the message (key is constructed with “range”)
chap02_sample020.sage2.8.2 Simple transposition by shifting (key and inverse key are constructed)
chap02_sample030.sage2.8.3 Simple column transposition just reverting each plaintext block
chap02_sample040.sage2.8.4 Simple column transposition with randomly generated (permutation) key and showing the size of the key space
chap02_sample050.sage2.8.5 Simple column transposition (demonstrates encoding and ensures correct message length)
chap02_sample060.sage2.8.6 Monoalphabetic substitution with randomly generated key
chap02_sample065.sage2.8.7 Atbash (substitution by reverting the alphabet)
chap02_sample070.sage2.8.8 Caesar (substitution by shifting the alphabet; key explicitly given, step-by-step approach)
chap02_sample080.sage2.8.9 Constructing the Caesar cipher using the shift cipher
chap02_sample090.sage2.8.11 An affine cipher with key (3, 13)
chap02_sample100.sage2.8.12 Constructing the Caesar cipher using the affine cipher
chap02_sample110.sage2.8.13 Vigenère cipher
chap02_sample120.sage2.8.14 Hill cipher with given key matrix
chap02_sample130.sage2.8.15 Monoalphabetic substitution with a hexadecimal alphabet (and decoding in both SageMath and Python)
chap02_sample140.sage2.8.16 Different substitution ciphers on the binary alphabet
chap02_sample150.sage2.8.17 Monoalphabetic substitution (MASC) over own alphabet
chap02_sample160.sage2.8.18 Ciphertext-only attack against shift cipher (Caesar)
chap02_hill_enc_dec_kpa.sage2.8.19 Complete program: Known-plaintext analysis (KPA) against the Hill cipher

Chapter 4

chap04_sample010.sage4.6.2 Double Mersenne primes
chap04_sample015.sage4.6.1 Euclid numbers with -1
chap04_sample020.sage4.13.1 Special values of the binary and decimal systems
chap04_sample030.sage4.14.1 Generation of the graphs of the three functions x, log(x) and x/log(x)
chap04_sample040.sage4.15.2 Verify the primality of integers generated by a quadratic function
chap04_sample050.sage4.15.3 Primality of results of a quadratic function (variable n runs till 1000)
chap04_sample060.sage4.9.1 Calculate the k primorials (k#) for Table 4.8
chap04_sample070.sage4.5.2 Find Carmichael numbers up to n=10000 (plus some more information)
chap04_sample080.sage4.5.3 Find all Carmichael numbers up to n=100000
chap04_sample100.sage- Print Table 4.9 (Gaps between the first primes with gap length gi = n)
chap04_sample110.sage4.9.2 List of first maximal prime gaps with merits

Chapter 5

chap05_sample010.sage5.12.1 Comparing the execution time for calculating a gcd and performing a factorization
chap05_sample013.sage5.8.1 Square and multiply done manually in SageMath
chap05_sample017.sage5.2.1 Z, Zn, and Zn∗ in SageMath
chap05_sample020.sage5.13.1 Sample with small numbers: calculating the discrete logs a and b in order to attack DH
chap05_sample025.sage5.20.1 Creating small addition and multiplication tables with SageMath
chap05_sample030.sage5.20.2 Multiplication tables for a·i (mod m) with m = 17, a = 5 and a = 6
chap05_sample040.sage5.20.3 Fast exponentiation of a^e mod m = 103
chap05_sample050.sage5.20.4 Table with all powers a^i (mod m) for m = 11, a,i = 1, ..., 10
chap05_sample060.sage5.20.5 Table with all powers a^i (mod 45) for a,i = 1, ..., 12 plus the order of a
chap05_sample070.sage5.20.6 Table with all powers a^i (mod 46) for a,i = 1, ..., 23 plus the order of a
chap05_sample080.sage5.20.7 Code for tables with all powers a^i (mod m) for variables a and i plus order of a and Eulerphi of m
chap05_sample090.sage5.20.8 Calculating one primitive root for a given number
chap05_sample100.sage5.20.9 Function "enum_PrimitiveRoots_of_an_Integer" to calculate all primitive roots for a given number
chap05_sample110.sage5.20.10 Function "count_PrimitiveRoots_of_an_IntegerRange" to calculate the number of all primitive roots for a given range of integers
chap05_sample120.sage5.20.11 Function "count_PrimitiveRoots_of_a_PrimesRange" to calculate the number of primitive roots for a given range of primes
chap05_sample130.sage5.20.12 Code to generate the database with all primitive roots for all primes between 1 and 100000
chap05_sample140.sage5.20.13 Code to generate the database with the smallest primitive root for all primes between 1 and 1000000
chap05_sample150.sage5.20.15 Code to generate the graphics about the primitive roots
chap05_sample160.sage5.20.22 How many private RSA keys d are there if you know a range for the public key n?
chap05_sample170.sage5.20.23 Determine all fixed points for a specific public RSA key
chap05_sample180.sage5.17.16 Code to generate an in Zn invertible element of maximal order
chap05_sample_RSA.sage Complete program: RSA (generate primes, generate keys, encrypt and decrypt integers and ASCII strings)

Chapter 6

chap06_sample010.sage6.5.1 Generation of Table 6.4 with SageMath

Chapter 9

chap09_sample010.sage9.1.1 Solution of a system of linear equations over Q
chap09_sample020.sage9.1.2 Solution of a system of Boolean linear equations
chap09_sample030.sage9.1.3 A Boolean function with truth table and ANF
chap09_sample040.sage9.2.1 Plot of I/O-correlation and potential
chap09_sample050.sage9.2.2 A Boolean map (the S-box S0 of Lucifer)
chap09_sample060.sage9.2.3 An example of Matsui’s test
chap09_sample070.sage9.2.4 Correlation matrix, approximation table, and linear profile of the S-box S0
chap09_sample080.sage9.2.5 Linear profile of the S-box S0 with evaluation
chap09_sample090.sage9.2.6 A Boolean map (S-box S1 of Lucifer)
chap09_sample100.sage9.2.7 Calculations for example B (two-round cipher)
chap09_sample110.sage9.2.8 Dependence of the probability on the key
chap09_sample120.sage9.2.12 Linear cryptanalysis of Mini-Lucifer over 2 rounds
chap09_sample130.sage9.3.1 XOR encryption in Python/SageMath
chap09_sample140.sage9.3.3 A (very poor) pseudorandom sequence in Python/SageMath
chap09_sample150.sage9.3.5 A pseudorandom bit sequence in Python/SageMath
chap09_sample160.sage9.3.6 Determining a coefficient matrix
chap09_sample170.sage9.3.7 The Geffe function
chap09_sample180.sage9.3.8 Calculating a period
chap09_sample190.sage9.3.9 Three LFSRs
chap09_sample200.sage9.3.10 Three LFSR sequences
chap09_sample210.sage9.3.11 The combined sequence
chap09_sample210_without-prints.sage sample210 which is loaded in other sage scripts like chap09_sample230.sage
chap09_sample220.sage9.3.12 Linear profile of the Geffe function
chap09_sample230.sage9.3.13 Coincidences for the Geffe generator
chap09_sample240.sage9.3.14 Analysis of the Geffe generator – register 1
chap09_sample250.sage9.3.15 Analysis of the Geffe generator – register 2
chap09_sample260.sage9.3.16 A (much too) simple example for BBS
chap09_sample270.sage9.3.17 Generating a sequence of BBS pseudorandom bits

Appendix Chapter Sage

SageAppendix_sample010.sageA.6.1 Small samples from different areas in mathematics (1)
SageAppendix_sample020.sageA.6.2 Small samples from different areas in mathematics (2)
SageJupyter_sample010.sage, sageJNB_sample010.ipynbA.6.11 Create html code containing Sage expressions and LaTeX code
SageJupyter_sample020.sage, sageJNB_sample020.ipynbA.6.14 Starting sample using interact in a Jupyter notebook
SageJupyter_sample030.sage, sageJNB_sample030.ipynbA.6.15 Graph with vertical pole and parameters for different curves
SageJupyter_sample040.sage, sageJNB_sample040.ipynbA.6.16 Graph with vertical pole and parameters and generic function
SageJupyter_sample050.sage, sageJNB_sample050.ipynbA.6.18 Code generating the graph for MTC3 points over time
SageJupyter_sample060.sage, sageJNB_sample060.ipynbA.6.17 Code for graph with widgets from ipywidgets (compare Fig. A.6.15)
SageJupyter_sample070.sage, sageJNB_sample070.ipynbA.6.12 Code to generate the LaTeX code of an equation
mwe-arara.texA.6.13 Minimal working example for arara and sagetex

Sage Miscellaneous

bitciphers.sage Bit Ciphers


Appendix-B_sample010.pyB.1.1 Decryption of the Gold-Bug ciphertext from the novel of E.A. Poe (with Python)
chap09_sample153.py9.3.1 LFSR with the pylfsr package in Python


LFSRseq.png output created by sage script in Chapter 9
primroots.dat dat file created by sage script in Chapter 4
primroot-smallest_up-to-one-million.dat dat file created by sage script in Chapter 4